As you may have guessed... were back in the country!
I thought id still post to let you know a few more things.
There are a few things i managed to forget to speak about or add photo's for!
This was due to me being forgetful and also the lack of good quality internet some of the time...
Firtsly is the addition of several huts to the camp site at avalanche!
These are both for staff and campers, they are made completely from natural materials such as wood and grass along with twine made of bark from certain trees.
This is a really exciting prospect for future development on site because there will be perminant shelter for more campers without using bricks and mortar. The site is jungle based and should be in keeping with its surroundings. The huts only need re-roofing every 4 or 5 years also.
It was great to see so much happening over the time i was there!
We thoroughly enjoyed our time in kerela after leaving Ooty. We enjoyed the company of Anupa very much also, even though she wanted us to take picures of her posing all the time...
She was great to have with us also because she could speak the local language too!
We flew back to chennai as i mentioned previously, and were greeted by anupa's parents.
That day was the day of their 25th anniversary party also.
We helped with the setting up of the chairs and the house.... well i didnt cos i was doing my blog and procrastinating!
Food was served afterwards as 'any meeting without eating is cheating' once said by Raj.
The whole event was lovely, seeing great friends and family who have been part of their lives for so long!
The next day we flew home via Sri lanka in the morning. The flight to Sri Lanka was fine although it was in the opposite direction to home! But due to pricing it was cheaper to fly via there, even if it took longer. We connected straight onto our second flight homewards!
The flight took about 12 hours including time difference (4.5 hrs).
We were picked up by a friend and driven home while catching up on church buisness and the premiership!
That night we went to bed English time, 4 hours or so later than we would have in india!
I adjusted ok, but mum and dad are still feeling the effects of jet lag
Since we have been home some have still not fully adjusted, but were still doing well if not a little tired!
Now were back ill have to stop badgering you to read my blog!
If you want to i might add some more stuff not necessarily connected with india, but your welcome to look out for it.
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