Friday, 29 February 2008

Updates - More interesting...

Sorry for those of you who found my previous post a tad dull...
As you could tell i wasn't feeling 100%
I'm still not fully over my stomach bug but I'm on the way!
We have almost completed the tent marathon at raj's office.

I thought id let you know what I've been up to and what i have had the pleasure of experiencing so far.

Here are to name just a few...

  • Cows a plenty sauntering across the road.
  • People driving the wrong way up one way streets.
  • General abuse of the highway code..... or that is if there is one!
  • Parts falling off cars as they drive along.
  • Drinking fresh coconut water from freshly opened coconuts with the help of a friendly machete... (big old sword like knife)
  • Whole families digging up roads and pavements.
  • Rivers that take your breath away (not in the good sense)
  • The highest quality of life next door to the lowest...
  • Meeting some of the best people on earth... second to the English!

Cows are allowed to roam free because they are thought of as sacred animals due to their 'mother like nature' don't quote me on that.
The rivers are thought of as the gutters or sewers, and are so potent that it knocks the breath out of you.
The roads in India are mayhem, there are no right of way, they drive on the left; like us. But they don't do this regularly. The saying goes 'if theres a hole drive into it!'
Also hooting your horn is a sign to show you are there instead of a sign of aggression. Horns are hooting all day long in India.

Where we give way to the right at a roundabout, this does not occur in India... If you fail your driving test you must have been doing something very wrong!

Anyway; that's enough for now, keep you lot wanting more...

I'm heading to a place called 'Mysore' tomorrow for a sight seeing trip. With the English folk i mentioned and also Raj. We will rent a taxi to take us there and to see the sights. I'm sure i will get lots of nice photo's.

I will post again soon as i cant get all the photo's on here that i wanted, maybe this it my limit; who knows?

Much love from India

Charlie xx

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

This Weeks Updates

Hi all
Im writing to you from the comfort of my friend Raj's house in bangalore.
No more wasting my time in internet cafes and forgetting im running out of time!

I havent posted since i arrived in Chennai last wednesday so there are some more events to report on.

Since last wednesday a number of things have happened both good and bad...

  • Meeting raj's friends and co workers (Dinesh; volunteer, and Nandu; staff)
  • Going toRaj's church and meeting many nice Indian people with surprisingly English names such as dave and paul...
  • Having an upset tummy
  • Changes to 'Avalanche' plans
  • Meeting more English students

Firstly I arrived in bangalore on thursday night somewhat late after delays on the train but all was well. the next day i went into town with raj to meet a few of his workers and to have lunch. I met them and had lunch at local eating house. That evening i went to raj's Cell group. After then we went out for a chinese i bangalore with a friend. As some might assume this messed with my stomach somewhat. I have had a dodgy tummy for the last 3 days or so, but im now feeling better. But most people get it when they come from the uk.
Enough about that...

On saturday i went to Raj's church for to watch a Christan film called facing the giants... or nothing but the truth. I couldn't really tell. It was good and very touching, it made me cry at more than one point... ill blame it on my stomach!

I went to Raj's church on sunday morning, it was good. it was surreal hearing english worship songs sung in english with an indian accent....

Since monday i have been working in Raj's office with 2 indian guys named Nandu and Dinesh, and also some English girls and one Aussie girl that raj has met up with. They are in Bangalore for a month and wanted to help out with some work. We have been sorting out some tents that Raj had got his hands on with the help of 'Glastonbury festival'. They were tents left behind and he has managed to get around 30 or more shipped out to India. We are making sure they are all in order for rental and use by groups.

Our plan for thursday was to travel up to Ooty by overnight bus and then on to the scripture union camp 'Avalanche' in the morning. But our plans have hanged to our disappointment...
the forestry commission are doing an animal survey throughout the jungle, which included the centre. they are not allowing any groups in for the next 10 days. This is the time we would be running a camp with the help of scripture union. its a great shame, we wondered about going up ourselves to train some of the staff and ourselves., but this isn't allowed either.

We will decide what to do in the next few days. Sorry i dont have any interesting photo's, but i was planning on taking them in avalanche.

I have just heard from Raj now that we will be going to Avalanche next tuesday, which is very good!
So we will be spending some time there soon, just not this week.
I will make sure to take lots of photo's.

Anyway enough of me going on, i apologise again for the lack of photo's

Much Love

Charlie D

Wednesday, 20 February 2008


Good evening all, that is evening in india time!

I managed to make my way to india eventually, although a little delayed.
My flight was delayed by an hour at heathrow, which made my connecting flight a tad tight. The flight ended up being a little later than expected to dubai aiport which meant we missed the connecting flight.
This meant i had to get the next connecting flight to chennai, which was 4 hours later...
I did get a free meal in the airport which was some concellation, although it didnt make the time pass any faster.
I spent some time walking around duty free, but nothing much took my fancy.
I hung around for 4 hours listening to music and didnt sleep. I got the flight at 2am that morning (dubai time Gmt +4hrs).

My flight arrived at 8am chennai time (Gmt +5.5hrs) where i was greeted by anupa and her dad paul, and raj and his father also.

By this point i had been travelling for around 18 hours... without sleeping! on the other hand the planes were pretty luxurious. I had my own media centre to play with, this had many films and cd's and tv shows. I thoroughly enjoyed watching films and glancing at the hindi movies that were being played on nearby screens.

I slept for several hours after arriving at anupas house, then went for a meal at pizza hut around the corner... i found it quite funny,then slept again til the morning.

In the morning i went with anupa on her scooter to the J team (jesus team) office to go on to a school in chennai to speak about a camp in avalanche and to do a short talk and songs and games during assembly. I rode for my second time ever on a scooter carrying a keyboard on my lap through the streets of chennai, this was an experience to remember!

After doing some songs and a talk and a round of 'charlie says' we continued to chennai for coffee and an indian breakfast, then went shopping for shirts.

I returned to anupas home for some lunch and sleep over the hottest period of the day. We have just been into chennai again for yet more shirts then a look at chennai beach (the longest beach by a city apat from that of florida)

Anyway i have to leave now as time is short

much love

Charlie xx

Sunday, 17 February 2008

Almost ready to go!

Evening listeners!
Ive packed my bags and im nearly ready to go on monday morning!
Well my mum helped me with my packing a bit.... well maybe quite a bit...

This is the sum of my luggage, i am packing light as it will be pretty hot out there, and i can buy some clothes out there.

I have 1 bag of climbing kit i have purchased for teaching abseiling out in india, thanks to those who helped me with that.

Thought id post before i head off on my journeys.
Im flying from Gatwick at around 8am, so we have to leave home around 6ish tommorrow morning, joy!

Things to be excited about:
  1. The Weather - Hot
  2. The People - Lovely
  3. The Activities - Fun
  4. The Country - Beautiful
Things to be not so excited about:
  1. Curry - More than once a day... (not your usual Korma)
  2. Transport - India's people arent the safest of drivers
  3. Flights - To india, short stop over in dubai, but mostly ok.
  4. Illness - possibility of malaria and other deseases (spelling)

I thought i might add a recent picture of my lovely self so that you wont all forget what i look like...

Im the bald one on the right.......

Seriously, i hope dont come back looking like this...

I might just not shave or cut my hair. We will have to see what i look like.

Hopefully somewhat browner!

Anyway, in all seriousness im off tomorrrow and i would appreciate your prayers very much.

I will update this blog as and when i can.
My friend Raj, that im staying with has internet. I had a chat on skype with him earlier today. We prayed over the internet between here and india, pretty awesome!

Best wishes to all, Wish me luck

God bless

Charlie D

Monday, 11 February 2008

One week left!

Evening readers

Some of you may know that i only have one more week left, to the pleasure of some peoples ears...
No im not going to die in the next 7 days!
I am heading off to india on monday the 18th of feb for 10 weeks or so. This is another part of my placement year during my degree.
I will be working out in india with 2 people.


Rajashekar Moorthy

Raj is the founder of a charity in India called the 'Fisherman Trust' working for oasis trust in India

He studied youth work in the uk for a few years and is now back in india running this trust for disadvantaged young people including children from the fishing villages of bangalore.
If you're interested in what hes doing please look at his blog.

I met him when i first went to india with my parents in 2001 and we hit it off. I have been looking forward to seeing him again for some time.


Anupa Paul

Anupa has done a year working at CYE and also lived at our house when she was not at cye.
She worked at cye through knowing Raj and my dad and is now back out in india.

I will be working with them both, and also a number of other folk. One of which is Richard Ajoo who works for scripture union in india. I met him last time i was there. The locations i will be working in are Bangalore, Ooty and several smaller locations.
Bangalore is where raj works and also the location of The Breakthrough Trust. I visited this centre when i went out last time and i am looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Ooty is where the mountain camp 'Avalanche' is located and where i will be spending alot of my time running camps and training young people.

My parents and Andy are also coming out on the 10th of april to see me and visit the people i have mentioned. They are also coming because it is my 21st birthday on april 21st. And mums birthday shortly after (in may)
We will stay together until we all head home on the 25th of april.

Anyway ill stop boring you with the details! I just thought id let everyone know what im up to.

I will keep you all posted

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Recent Updates

Hi all!
Those who might be interested in my blog that is....

There have been a few developments recently that i would like to bring to light.

Firstly the addition of the lady in my life; otherwise known as 'Lauren Amundsen'
Things are going well, we have met eachothers parents over the last 2 weekends. One of which was laurens baptism on the 27th of jan; it was a special occasion to be a part of, and i was very prowd of her. Here is the video i took of the moment. Cheers from the congregation included....
This occasion was held at Kings Church portsmouth, laurens church while at uni.

The other occasion worth noting was laurens 21st birthday; This was January 29th.
I did the romantic thing and sent roses to her house, which pleased her very much!
We had a party at her house in portsmouth on the friday night with around 30 or so people; which invloved many childhood games including pass the parcel, qith forteits(collander on the head) and a quiz, and much party food (incl party rings!)

Photo's of lauren in her party dress

On saturday lauren came to my home to meet my entire family... it all went well, my family didnt scare her off!
In the evening service at church i spoke about my trip to india in 2 weeks time! and also invited some people back home to speak about my trip more, and also to let people know what to pray about while we are out there.

All in all it has been a very eventful week and a bit in the world of Mr Doney

I will post again nearer to my trip to india.

