Sorry for those of you who found my previous post a tad dull...
As you could tell i wasn't feeling 100%
I'm still not fully over my stomach bug but I'm on the way!
We have almost completed the tent marathon at raj's office.
I thought id let you know what I've been up to and what i have had the pleasure of experiencing so far.
Here are to name just a few...
- Cows a plenty sauntering across the road.
- People driving the wrong way up one way streets.
- General abuse of the highway code..... or that is if there is one!
- Parts falling off cars as they drive along.
- Drinking fresh coconut water from freshly opened coconuts with the help of a friendly machete... (big old sword like knife)
- Whole families digging up roads and pavements.
- Rivers that take your breath away (not in the good sense)
- The highest quality of life next door to the lowest...
- Meeting some of the best people on earth... second t
o the English!
Cows are allowed to roam free because they are thought of as sacred animals due to their 'mother like nature' don't quote me on that.
The rivers are thought of as the gutters or sewers, and are so potent that it knocks the breath out of you.
The roads in India are mayhem, there are no right of way, they drive on the left; like us. But they don't do this regularly. The saying goes 'if theres a hole drive into it!'
Also hooting your horn is a sign to show you are there instead of a sign of aggression. Horns are hooting all day long in India.
Where we give way to the right at a roundabout, this does not occur in India... If you fail your driving test you must have been doing something very wrong!
Anyway; that's enough for now, keep you lot wanting more...
I'm heading to a place called 'Mysore' tomorrow for a sight seeing trip. With the English folk i mentioned and also Raj. We will rent a taxi to take us there and to see the sights. I'm sure i will get lots of nice photo's.
I will post again soon as i cant get all the photo's on here that i wanted, maybe this it my limit; who knows?
Much love from India