Im writing to you from the comfort of my friend Raj's house in bangalore.
No more wasting my time in internet cafes and forgetting im running out of time!
I havent posted since i arrived in Chennai last wednesday so there are some more events to report on.
Since last wednesday a number of things have happened both good and bad...
- Meeting raj's friends and co workers (Dinesh; volunteer, and Nandu; staff)
- Going toRaj's church and meeting many nice Indian people with surprisingly English names such as dave and paul...
- Having an upset tummy
- Changes to 'Avalanche' plans
- Meeting more English students
Firstly I arrived in bangalore on thursday night somewhat late after delays on the train but all was well. the next day i went into town with raj to meet a few of his workers and to have lunch. I met them and had lunch at local eating house. That evening i went to raj's Cell group. After then we went out for a chinese i bangalore with a friend. As some might assume this messed with my stomach somewhat. I have had a dodgy tummy for the last 3 days or so, but im now feeling better. But most people get it when they come from the uk.
Enough about that...
On saturday i went to Raj's church for to watch a Christan film called facing the giants... or nothing but the truth. I couldn't really tell. It was good and very touching, it made me cry at more than one point... ill blame it on my stomach!
I went to Raj's church on sunday morning, it was good. it was surreal hearing english worship songs sung in english with an indian accent....
Since monday i have been working in Raj's office with 2 indian guys named Nandu and Dinesh, and also some English girls and one Aussie girl that raj has met up with. They are in Bangalore for a month and wanted to help out with some work. We have been sorting out some tents that Raj had got his hands on with the help of 'Glastonbury festival'. They were tents left behind and he has managed to get around 30 or more shipped out to India. We are making sure they are all in order for rental and use by groups.
Our plan for thursday was to travel up to Ooty by overnight bus and then on to the scripture union camp 'Avalanche' in the morning. But our plans have hanged to our disappointment...
the forestry commission are doing an animal survey throughout the jungle, which included the centre. they are not allowing any groups in for the next 10 days. This is the time we would be running a camp with the help of scripture union. its a great shame, we wondered about going up ourselves to train some of the staff and ourselves., but this isn't allowed either.
We will decide what to do in the next few days. Sorry i dont have any interesting photo's, but i was planning on taking them in avalanche.
I have just heard from Raj now that we will be going to Avalanche next tuesday, which is very good!
So we will be spending some time there soon, just not this week.
I will make sure to take lots of photo's.
Anyway enough of me going on, i apologise again for the lack of photo's
Much Love
Charlie D
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