Monday, 11 February 2008

One week left!

Evening readers

Some of you may know that i only have one more week left, to the pleasure of some peoples ears...
No im not going to die in the next 7 days!
I am heading off to india on monday the 18th of feb for 10 weeks or so. This is another part of my placement year during my degree.
I will be working out in india with 2 people.


Rajashekar Moorthy

Raj is the founder of a charity in India called the 'Fisherman Trust' working for oasis trust in India

He studied youth work in the uk for a few years and is now back in india running this trust for disadvantaged young people including children from the fishing villages of bangalore.
If you're interested in what hes doing please look at his blog.

I met him when i first went to india with my parents in 2001 and we hit it off. I have been looking forward to seeing him again for some time.


Anupa Paul

Anupa has done a year working at CYE and also lived at our house when she was not at cye.
She worked at cye through knowing Raj and my dad and is now back out in india.

I will be working with them both, and also a number of other folk. One of which is Richard Ajoo who works for scripture union in india. I met him last time i was there. The locations i will be working in are Bangalore, Ooty and several smaller locations.
Bangalore is where raj works and also the location of The Breakthrough Trust. I visited this centre when i went out last time and i am looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Ooty is where the mountain camp 'Avalanche' is located and where i will be spending alot of my time running camps and training young people.

My parents and Andy are also coming out on the 10th of april to see me and visit the people i have mentioned. They are also coming because it is my 21st birthday on april 21st. And mums birthday shortly after (in may)
We will stay together until we all head home on the 25th of april.

Anyway ill stop boring you with the details! I just thought id let everyone know what im up to.

I will keep you all posted

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